Jennifer Bauer, RN
(716) 646-3261
Karen Polonkiewicz, Nurse Aide
New York State Law requires that all students in 7th grade receive a physical either from the school physician or their own physician. Please submit proof of current physical and up-to-date immunizations.
Tdap Vaccine
All students entering 6th grade born on or after 1/1/94 and are 11 years of age are required to receive a Tdap Booster. No child will be admitted to school with out this vaccine. In the event your child has received a tetanus booster within the past two year they will not be able to receive this vaccine but your child's primary physician must send a note stating the your child is deferred at this time.
Varicella Vaccine (chicken pox)
All students born on or after 1/1/94 are required to show proof of the varicella (chicken pox) vaccine or doctor proof that the child had the disease. Parental recall in not sufficient.