SST: Student Support Team & RTI: Response to Intervention
The goal of the Student Support Team (SST) is to address concerns affecting a students' school performance and to implement an intervention plan following the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. Such concerns may be academic, emotional, behavioral, medical, and/ or social. The RTI model addresses each Tier of academic intervention. The SST sets goals and implements targeted interventions specific to the student's needs. The goal of the SST is to have the student respond to the targeted interventions in place, thus allowing the child to achieve his or her goal. When the student does not respond to the intervention, other interventions are tried as the SST further addresses higher Tiers of the RTI model.
The purpose of this site is to provide information describing the RTI model and each of its Tiers. RTI is mandated legislation by the State of New York and requires the SST to try targeted instructional interventions before referring a student to the Committee of Special Education. Teachers are able to locate SST forms needed for the referral process, along with forms needed for documentation of RTI interventions. You will also find a section that provides targeted interventions for instruction depending on the student's weak area of performance. The SST Webpage addresses all the components of RTI - identification, assessment, implementation of interventions, and progress monitoring of goals.
The common goal of RTI is to help all students achieve successfully. It is the practice of meeting the academic and behavioral needs of all students through a variety of services. These services contain the following key elements:
- High‐quality instruction and research‐based interventions to meet the individual needs of the student.
- Frequent monitoring of the student's progress to make academic and/or behavioral decisions.
- Application of student data for important educational decisions, such as intervention, curriculum, instructional goals, methodologies, and placement.
The instructional approaches used within the general education setting should result in progress, academic and/or behavioral, for the majority of students. Struggling students are identified using data‐ based progress monitoring and are provided intense instruction.
"RtI holds the promise of ensuring that all children have access to high quality instruction and that struggling learners . . . are identified, supported, and served early and effectively."
Adapted for HMS from HHS and Response to Intervention Guidance, Texas Education Agency, 2008

For more information, please contact:
Gigi Rush
SST/RTI Coordinator
646-3250 ext. 5426
[email protected]